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5 great tips to spend you commute time usefully

You, like many other people driving to work, end up spending a long time sitting in traffic every morning. Either you choose to keep trying to make up for the wasted time and eventually arrive at work somewhat stressed out and just a little too late. Or you decide to spend that time in the car usefully. And here’s how you can do it:

Charlotte Keulen

1 min. reading time

1. Listen to podcasts

Podcasts are hot and happening! These recorded shows can be downloaded as audio files from Spotify or Castbox, for example. You’ll find audio shows or episodes about all kinds of topics. Nowadays, many celebrities, and not so well-known people, are trying their hand at creating podcasts. Sometimes just fragments lasting only a few minutes, podcasts can often be one-hour long debates.

2. Call while driving

The person who invented hands-free calling deserves a medal. Use your time in the car to make phone calls: that one work call you kept putting off, or that well-overdue call to your grandparents.

3. Stronger together

Find a travel buddy! You might know someone who is in the same boat and has to make (roughly) the same journey every day. Consider the possibility of carpooling a few days a week. No more lonely drives. Instead, you get to know your colleague better, discuss ideas together or just chat on the way. And another major bonus: this is of course also great for your carbon footprint!

4. Creative thinking

Still looking for your eureka moment for that project? A small brainstorm in the car often provides new insight. Being stuck in a space with only your thoughts for company might just be the perfect situation to generate that great idea! Don’t hesitate to think out loud in the car, talk to yourself and dare to challenge yourself.

5. Let go

A busy day at work? Lots on your mind? It is not uncommon to keep dwelling on those thoughts when you are home. A long car ride can help you deal with all that and restore your peace of mind. Make yourself this promise: once you enter your home, close the door on all these worries and leave them outside! Only then can you really start enjoying a relaxing evening.


About the author

Charlotte Keulen

Vroeger schreef ik gedichten en teksten voor liedjes. Ik droomde ervan de tweede Britney Spears te worden. Zowel mijn schrijftalent als mijn zangtalent zouden helaas nooit het daglicht zien. Ten eerste was ik nooit tevreden over mijn eigen creaties en ten tweede heb ik een stem die absoluut niet gemaakt is om ook maar één noot te zingen.  

Een marketingdiploma, een cursus copywriting en heel wat ervaring later, zet ik mijn wil om te schrijven anders in. Als Digital Recruiter bij Bright Plus kan ik vaak urenlang intens tokkelen op mijn toetsenbord. Mailings, vacatures die gepimpt moeten worden, social media posts, en uiteraard deze blogs. Overal kan ik mijn creativiteit in kwijt. Zo leg ik nu dagelijks mijn tekstueel ei. Met creaties die ik regelmatig wél de buitenwereld durf insturen.

Want ik zit met een overvol hoofd, altijd en overal. Maar als ik een tekst schrijf geraak ik volledig "in the zone". En dat is steeds eventjes genieten!

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